Who Is Your Financial Hero? Tell Us & You Could Win!

“Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary.” ~ Gerard Way

Throughout the month of October, in the spirit of National Heritage Week, children all over Jamaica donned costumes that brought our national heroes to life. Amidst celebrations sweetened by Jamaican cuisine, little ones recited poetry and speeches about “yonder gallows” and a “mighty race” as Samuel Sharpe and Marcus Garvey enter classrooms across the country.

We salute them, and all our national heroes who played exemplary roles in shaping a proud nation. As we continue to evolve, many more heroes will chart the course of our history. Who are the heroes around you every day? More relevantly, who are the people you know who have placed great value on Financial Independence and set the bar that you aim to reach in your money matters? Who is your own financial hero?

A financial hero is easy to spot. Here are five ways to help you identify your own:

  1. A financial hero sets clear financial goals.

She makes plans about what to do with money and how it will be done.

  1. A financial hero has an emergency fund.

He saves for a rainy day. From his income, he sets aside money that will only be touched if things go wrong as they sometimes will.

  1. A financial hero insures against risk.

She takes on this “I’m not so happy to do this” part of being financially independent. She makes the important decision to get life insurance, for example, so that the very goals that are set will not be derailed if life does not go according to plan.

  1. A financial hero invests.

He sets aside a little bit of money (weekly, monthly) in an investment fund or venture to reap the rewards of long-term savings.

  1. A financial hero improves standard of living.

She changes her own life or the lives of her family or dependants by living within her means and doing some or all of the above.

There are heroes among us who manage all five, while some make miracles happen in only one area. Whatever the range, we believe that someone who has made strides by making sound financial choices that bear fruit should be applauded and celebrated as the true hero he or she is.

“On my teacher’s salary, I would never have managed to do my Bachelor’s and then my MBA without his support,” Marsha Wisdom says of her husband Paul. “He got a big promotion at work and we continued to live on his previous salary, with him driving a 10 year-old car while he saved the difference towards my schooling. I am now two years into a new job and earning very well, and we plan to start a family soon. He taught me a lot about sacrifice and saving with clear goals in mind.”

“He’s taught me well and I plan to buy him a new car soon,” she whispers conspiratorially. “Hands down, he is my financial hero!”

From the newspaper vendor who put her daughter through medical school to the pan chicken man who took care of his sister’s children when she succumbed to a terminal illness, there are many inspirational stories of financial heroes dotting the Jamaican landscape. Through their sweat, tears and sacrifice many of us have achieved what we never dreamed was possible or learnt lessons that will last for generations. We stand on the shoulders of those who have charted unprecedented financial courses in our lives.

We want to hear your story about that one person whose financial sacrifices and decisions made all the difference in your life. Who inspires you to make the most of your money in pursuit of the very best version of yourdelf.

Who is your financial hero?

Email your Financial independence Hero story to victoriamutualsocial.com for your chance to win!

Include your Hero’s name, your name, and your contact information (telephone & email). Your submission can be a video, or a written story (at least one paragraph) with a photograph.

Winners will be selected by a panel of judges who will review your submissions.

3 winners will each receive a $4,000 MegaMart gift certificate, and a few other goodies from the VM Family.

We’d love to share your stories with others, so please let us know that you’re okay to have your story published online!

Final day for submissions: Friday November 20, 2015.

Happy Writing 😀

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