After the ‘I Do’s’ – Financial Planning For Couples

Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you for the first time, Mr and Mrs Doe. As they look to lay the foundation for the future, several decisions will come into play, including how they will manage their money as a couple. Let’s see what the experts at VM are saying. 

Thanks, Pastor. Now that you’ve blessed the union, we’ll bless the finances with some simple tips and to help the newlyweds manage their finances together and plan for what’s ahead.

“Money is either the best or the worst area of communication in our marriages.”—Larry Burkett – Take it from Larry. Make the decision to have money be the best area of communication in your marriage by setting financial goals together. Discuss your short-term and long-term goals and the timelines. Financial vision boards also work. 

“A great marriage is built on teamwork, and that includes managing finances together.” Neither Google nor I are quite sure who exactly said those words, but they do make a solid point. Managing finances together could look like deciding on specific bank accounts together. This could be joint accounts for shared expenses, separate accounts or a combination of both for shared and personal spendings.  

“The very process of establishing a workable budget can help a hurting marriage simply because of the level of communication and cooperation it takes.” —Dave Ramsey – Take Dave’s word for it, creating a joint budget that shows each other’s income, expenses and financial goals encourages accountability and ensures both partners contribute to the overall financial goals.

“Money is the number one cause of divorce, so if you make it a priority to talk about finances, you’re putting your marriage first.” – Suze Orman. Financial planning for couples is more than just managing money; it’s about building a relationship based on trust, transparency, and shared goals. Click here and let’s help you set the stage for a solid financial future together today.

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