The Real ‘Don Dada’ – Fatherhood and Finances

In many parts of the world, the month of June is used to celebrate fathers and father figures holding firm their commitment to providing for, protecting and nurturing the younger generation and their families.

While the make-up of a ‘good father’ differs across cultures and countries, teaching children the importance of financial prudence by setting a good example is a universally recognised quality of top dads.

At VM Group, we wholeheartedly support and have always found creative ways of honouring strong paternal bonds, and the positive influence of fathers in society. This blog is just one avenue where we’ll break down some of the financial products and topics that will interest and help our dads, as we honour them for honouring their commitments.

Auto loan: An auto loan gives you the opportunity to own your dream vehicle, upgrade your current ride, help your children grab hold of their own steering wheels and, of course, takes you places. This type of loan allows you to borrow money from a financial institution to finance the purchasing of a vehicle. The money is usually repaid in fixed instalments with interest, over an agreed time. Of course, you know VM Group is always sweetening the deal, so whether you want to purchase a new or pre-owned vehicle or upgrade your existing wheels, a VM Auto loan can get you approval in as little as two business days, with up to 100 per cent financing of the vehicle and up to 30 per cent discount on car insurance.

Pension Planning: This is another big list item for our fathers. A pension is a way to put some money aside that will act as income in your later years. Simply put, it’s your retirement plan. For our team at VM Pensions Management, we ensure that all our clients are educated about pension matters. Our Members can access the plan statements online and view them any time of the day from anywhere in the world. Furthermore, our pension fund administration solutions are underpinned by the principles of privacy, security and awareness.

Creating Generational Wealth: Fatherhood also often inspires a desire to create generational wealth for your family. This means passing down any form of financial asset from one generation to the next. Now these financial assets can include things like real estate or property, money, stocks and bonds or companies. Our VM Wealth Management arm is certainly equipped to give you the best investment advice and help you get to the place of creating generational wealth.

Investment Options: Investing is putting your money or other valuable resources towards something you expect to earn a profit or some other benefit from. Understanding how investment works is also a good way of really honing your financial knowledge. Again, VM Wealth Management is a strong leader in the financial investment space having created opportunities for you to trade in Jamaican and US dollars stocks, whether through individual investments or our Equity based Unit Trust, as well as other options to invest in Bonds from global companies.

Balance Funds and Fun: Here’s a little life truth – enjoying the present and investing for the future can go hand in hand. Its just about how well you manage your money and engage in sound financial planning. We have the money managers and financial guiders and planners, but more importantly we want to help you get to the point of financial comfort…just because it’s possible.

We understand that a committed father is compelled to contribute to the wellbeing of his children, which includes providing for his family financially. We also believe that providing financial support must include having knowledge of financial services and products. We’ve shared a few, but there are so many more. To continue learning about our financial services click here and let’s help transform the lives of you and your children.  

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